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Who Is the Most Amazing Person Who Ever Lived?
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This 8-page tract for Muslim readers comes from the heart of an author who has spent a lifetime sharing the gospel with them throughout the world.

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“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Who is the most amazing person who ever lived?

To discover the answer to this question we need to gather information about the person's birth, life, and end of life.

Let’s consider Jesus (Isa). He has many titles, including Messiah, Word of God, Lord, Savior, Son of Mary, and Prophet. Jesus prophesied many things and called himself a prophet. He is a prophet, but much more than just a prophet.

A Miraculous Birth
The prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary, had a virgin birth, and so His birth was unique and miraculous. He was the only one who ever lived who was born from a mother but not a father. (Adam and Eve, our first ancestors, were not born and had neither father nor mother.)

A Miraculous Life
Jesus, the Word of God, had a unique and miraculous life. He did many miracles of love, kindness, and healing—more miracles than any other person. He healed people who were born blind, people who were crippled from birth, and He even raised people from the dead. Jesus, the Word of God incarnate, lived without sin.

A Miraculous End of Life
Jesus the Messiah, after dying, came back to life and then went to heaven alive, making the end of His life unique and miraculous. He is not buried in a grave where one could go and worship. Jesus is not dead but alive in heaven. No other person ever rose from the dead and then went to heaven alive.

There have been other people and prophets who performed miracles, or had one of these characteristics, but the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, is the only one who had all three—a unique and miraculous birth, a unique and miraculous life, and a unique and miraculous end of life—one-of-a-kind qualities! Wouldn’t that make Him the most unique and miraculous person of all time, the most amazing person who ever lived?

What do the Holy Scriptures mean by “Son of God”?

It has been said that “God’s hand is above their hands.” Yet we know that God does not have a literal hand. We all use these kinds of expressions to convey ideas spiritually, not biologically or physically.

When Jesus is called “the Son of God,” it does not mean that God got married and produced a son. When the Bible says that Jesus is the Son of God, one of the things it means is that the Messiah, Jesus, revealed what God is like, just as a son reveals what his father is like. Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Mary, pulled back the veil to show us humans more clearly what God is like. So, what do we see?

What did the Messiah, Jesus, reveal about God?

God Is Personal
Jesus, the Word of God, revealed that God is very personal. God wants to bless you with real life, filled with joy and peace. He is interested in the details of your life—your joys and challenges. He wants a personal relationship with you.

God is not sitting on a throne in heaven waiting for your death to add up your good and bad works. He is personally interested in your life today, with your needs and concerns. He wants to help you. Jesus said: “I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness” (John 10:10).

God Is Love
The prophet Jesus revealed that God is love. God is full of love, and this was most clearly shown when God sent Jesus the Messiah to die on the cross to bear our shame and pay the price for our sins so that we could have His forgiveness.

For 2,000 years authoritative history has recorded the fact of Christ's death which was witnessed by numerous people. Any unbiased history text will confirm this.

Scripture says: “The love I speak of is not our love for God, but the love He showed to us in sending His son as the remedy for the defilement of our sins” (1 John 4:10).

God Offers Forgiveness
Jesus, the Word of God, has shown that God provided the assurance for the forgiveness of sin and shame and restoration into becoming children of God. If the removal of our shame with God and the forgiveness of our sins was based on our works (and not on God’s free gift), then we would never really know if we have done enough good works to earn forgiveness.

Sin contaminates us all in the eyes of God. Even our best works cannot erase sin. If a little haram meat is mixed into some halal meat, adding more halal meat will not get rid of the haram meat. It is the same way with sin and shame. Adding more good works does not get rid of sin and shame. It cannot balance it out. We cannot enter the presence of Almighty God with any sin and shame in our lives. All of our sin has to be totally removed because God is pure and holy and everything in His presence is pure and holy. Sin cannot exist in heaven.

When Jesus the Messiah died on the cross, He was the final sacrifice, the Lamb of God whose death paid the price for our sin and shame so that God could forgive us. Therefore, when we accept Jesus’ sacrifice for us we can know that we are forgiven. We do not earn God’s forgiveness by doing good deeds. Instead God freely forgives us because of the complete and perfect work of the Messiah on the cross.

God Gives Assurance of Eternal Life

The Lord Jesus is unlike anyone who ever lived. He rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. No one else has done this. When He rose from the grave, Jesus showed that God gives assurance of eternal life. We can know that we can go to heaven because Christ was victorious over sin, shame, death, and Satan. He came to free us from Satan’s greatest weapon—death, and to defeat Satan’s hold on us. The Word of God says: “This is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3).

God is all powerful, and we weak little humans, who are here today and gone tomorrow, cannot tell God what He can and cannot do. If God chose to send the prophet Jesus to remove our sin and shame, He can do that. And we cannot tell Him that He cannot.

What does the Messiah Jesus say to us today?

In the Injil (Matthew 11:28–30), Jesus, the Word of God who cannot lie, says..."Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you!