"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
Literature Ministries International
- By Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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June 30
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people.
Acts 2:46-47
The next thing I notice is that the church is filled with great joy and a sense of praise. Read again the terms used toward the end of Acts chapter 2. “And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favor with all the people.” Now that is how the Christian church is meant to be. Great joy, great praise to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God, glorying in this great salvation, in the new life they have received, and in this sense of heaven.
It is but the simple pattern of what has been repeated so frequently when God has poured out His Spirit upon the church. I never tire of quoting something I remember reading in the journals of George Whitefield. He was preaching on one occasion in Cheltenham, England, and he said, “Suddenly the Lord came down amongst us.” Do we know anything about that? Do we believe in that sort of thing or that it is possible? Now George Whitefield, even at his worst, was probably the greatest preacher this country [England] has ever known. But there were variations, even in his ministry. On this occasion he was surprised himself. There he was, preaching and having a very good service, when suddenly he knew that the Lord had come down among them. That is the wonderful thing, and it resulted in great joy, praise, and thanksgiving. When the church is in a state of revival you do not have to exhort people to praise—you cannot stop them, they are so filled with God.
A Thought to Ponder
When the church is in a state of revival you do not have to exhort people to praise—you cannot stop them.
From Revival, pp. 205-206.
Today’s devo is taken from Walking with God Day by Day © 2003 by Good News Publishers. All rights reserved. Used by permission of Crossway Books, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
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