"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
January 27, 2024
- By Ed Powell
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"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5
What drives your life? What motivates your decisions? What establishes your purpose? What solidifies the principles that you live by?
A. W. Tozer, in his book, "The Pursuit of God," brings out so strongly that our covenant with God should be evident in all of our life, not just in our religious circles. God is involved in everything we do, and the life we live should be a "constant and consistent sacrament to God." Paul challenges the believers at Philippi saying, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
James questions the faith of Christians when it does not manifest itself in their works. If what we believe does not relate and apply to our daily lives and manifest itself in all of our relations, he questions the genuineness of our faith. Paul says our lives are governed by one of two things: "They who are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh [the mind of the flesh], and they that are after the Spirit do mind the things of the Spirit."
When "the flesh" controls our minds, our lives will be subjected to and driven by selfish interests and desires, leading to a life filled with the shallow, superficial values of the world. Such a life is focused on self; therefore, the priorities and principles of our lives are limited to the boundaries of our own making. Such a life is not submissive to God and is hostile to all things pertaining to God. We are without hope and without God, and ultimately we will receive the fruit of our life--eternal separation from God and eternal condemnation by God.
To be governed by the Spirit is to surrender our will to the authority and lordship of Christ--to have the "mind of Christ." He who created all things, and by whom all things exist and are held together, now governs and controls our life. The Holy Spirit now indwells our life and possesses us. When He filters into every phase of our life and activity, then we will know in reality what the psalmist wrote: "You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy, at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." God will be pre-eminent in our life and magnified through our life.
What drives your life? Who governs your life--the mind of the flesh, or the mind of the Spirit? Oh to know the joy and peace of being "abandoned completely" to God!
The mind of Christ has a "defined direction" and a blessed eternal destiny. It "always causes us to triumph in Christ...we are to God the aroma of Christ." He instills in us a compassion for people and gives us an understanding of His Word and a view of the bountiful riches of Christ. He empowers us to stand firmly in faithfulness to God! This is the incredible blessing and privilege we have as a child of God. Oh that we might maximize our life by simply being a channel of blessing by the power of the Holy Spirit. May the whole of our life be occupied by the fullness of the Holy Spirit, with the adequacy of Christ!
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://www.litmin.org/dare.php?date=2024-01-27
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