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December 4, 2025

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"Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee." Psalm 73:25

What a tremendous conclusion the psalmist draws as he compares all the delusions of this world to the eternal virtues of committing his heart unreservedly to God. Paul testifies to this same evaluation after his encounter with God. Why is it that we have such difficulty in discerning the shallow, superficial allurements of this world and yield to them with blind attachment? We must realize that the Christian still has the old nature abiding within that seeks and longs to be satisfied with the "glitter of deceitfulness" that camouflages the lust of the flesh.

David had this problem as he expressed his inner conflict with the prosperity of the wicked in Psalm 73. He contrasted the illusion of the world--seen in the prosperity of the wicked, with the troubles he had to contend with. He was almost persuaded that they had a better choice than he had. He cries out, "Verily I cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency"...but then we read, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end" (Psalm 73:13-17). God removed the blindness from his heart that he might know the folly of man pursuing the things of time and sense. There is no comparison to the believer who is committed to God.

God was the one object of David's choice (Psalm 27:4). It was the consuming passion of Paul (Philippians 3:7-14). So it was with all those whom God greatly used that are described in Hebrews 11: what an account of the heroes of the faith! And so it will be with us today when we "fix our eyes on Jesus," and with determined perseverance refuse to be deceived by the superficial attractions of this world.

God is our "ever-present portion." The material things of this world, however plenteous, may elude us in the time of our greatest need...but God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. He is ever-present to be our help and strength--able to "do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20). In whatever circumstance we find ourselves, He is there to be our refuge and our strong tower!

God is our "all-sufficient portion." We have all known of those who are engrossed with this world's wealth, but in the jaws of death cry out in utter despair. All their earthly resources are of no avail. What a contrast is the comfort of the believer. If blessed with earthly wealth, it will find its proper place secondary to all God is to him. God will enhance his enjoyment of wealth and use it for His glory. In the absence of these earthly comforts, with God he feels no want. God is his sufficiency in all things and his exceeding great joy.

God is his "eternal portion." Man seeks possession of earthy things as if he is going to enjoy them forever. But they are as the mist; they appear and are gone before he even realizes they were his. We often hear the remark; "You can't take it with you." How true! Death will reduce us to the same level with the poorest of mankind. If God is our portion, we will possess Him forever. Now we taste of the streams of God; then we will drink at the fountainhead.

God will not judge us according to our profession, but our possession of Him. Does the intensity of our devotion testify to our desires after God? He will never be our eternal portion unless we deliberately choose Him in preference to all others. In the proportion that we delight in God, God will delight in us. Oh that HE might cast the mantle of His love on us, that we may both follow Him and serve Him forever! May we cry out with the psalmist..."There is none...I desire beside thee."

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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