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May 7, 2025

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The Renewing of Your Mind

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." Romans 12:2

During the past 35 years, we have been thrust into the electronic age. We experience things today that we would have thought impossible years ago. I vividly remember when Alan Shepherd took the first flight into space and we all held our breath, hoping all would go according to plan. Man landing on the moon was not even in our imagination, yet this has been done, along with numerous other space achievements that boggle our mind. The one thing we must not overlook is that none of this would be possible without the exact, infinitesimal accuracy of God's creation of time and space. HE is man's frame of reference. Man must BEGIN WITH GOD.

Phrases that have become more meaningful are the ones we constantly hear during a space flight. They are "control center" and "mission control." Both refer to the very heart and soul of the flight, where many highly skilled and expertly trained men sit in front of their computers and evaluate every possible bit of information regarding the entire mission. Everything must be within the parameters of the planned mission for it to be successful. Adjustments are made during the flight for any variations that occur so that everything will be aligned with the plan.

In these verses, Paul is moving from the truth revealed in the gospel to the implications of that truth. Truth makes a difference. It is not some abstract fact, but how God impacts a life. When we respond to God's provision for sin through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, making reconciliation for us through His blood, we are made a new creation. God has a plan and purpose for our life. When God comes into our life by His mighty power, things change! Life takes on new meaning. Our attitudes change, our motives change, our priorities change, and our relationships change. HIS LIFE, which now lives within us, impacts OUR WHOLE LIFE. He sits in the "control center" of our lives, waiting for us to turn on the switch, put HIM in full control of our mission, and activate our life into dimensions beyond ourselves.

Paul says; now that you have received Christ as your Savior, appropriate the power that God has made available to you in Christ. He will enable you to be "more than a conqueror" over the encounters of life. He waits for us to turn over the control of our lives to Him. He wants to impart His Life through us. Wow! What an exchange! His life for our life, His strength for our weakness, His ability for our inability, His love for our hate, His joy for our sorrow, His stability for our uncertainty, His victory for our defeat, His meekness for our self-exaltation, and His sufficiency for our nothingness. What an abundant, overcoming, victorious life that is ours in Christ! But we must activate the mission by yielding our will to His sovereign control. Nothing is impossible with God, except what lies outside His will. The only thing that withholds God from working in and through us is the surrender of our will to His. He will not impose His way or His will upon us. May we long to have the mind of Christ in all things.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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