"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
February 2, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God." Acts 7:55
One of the great satisfactions in life is to have a profound impact upon someone's life that will have an eternal result. To see the radical transformation when Christ becomes their Savior, to see them reach out to others in need, and to see God multiply the seed He has sown in their life.
Recently, friends of ours visited their daughter and son-in-law in another city. Their son-in-law had recently attended the Billy Graham crusade and responded by receiving Jesus Christ as his Savior. His goals and priorities took on new meaning, his attitude toward his wife and family was governed by a deeper love and concern, his whole life was radically changed, and he was anxious to attend and take part in the ministry of the church.
A "spiritual transformation" had taken place by the power of God, which had an effect on every phase of his life! What he told his father-in-law was very special and meaningful. He said, "One of the reasons I accepted Christ as my Savior was because of WHAT I SAW IN YOUR LIFE!" What a blessing and encouragement to the father-in-law. But that's what the "reality of Christ" is all about--making an impact on the lives of others. Was it anything he had done? No, it was the "life of Christ living through him."
A committed life and a faithful witness, empowered by the Holy Spirit and placed in the hands of God, will receive "eternal fruit" as God works in and through that life. It's not "who we are, what we have, or what we have accomplished;" it is the Holy Spirit fully possessing our life! How imperative it is to yield to His control and lordship. The only thing that will count for eternity, as far as our lives are concerned, is WHAT GOD HAS DONE THROUGH US!
That's the difference between "profession" and "possession," between simply following tradition, custom, and a form of worship, and applying our faith to our lives. A life that is "possessed by His indwelling Holy Spirit" flows from within, expressing itself unto others. "Profession" denotes that the truth has never penetrated their hearts or changed their lives. If our lives are going to impact others for Christ, the truth of His Word must radically affect the way we live, before others and before God. Our faith must be applied to every phase of our lives. Christ died for us, that He might live in us and manifest His life through us.
God's chosen vessels made an impact in their day. Look at the lives of Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Joshua, Gideon, Daniel, David, Elijah, John, Paul, Peter, and the countless pilgrims of the faith. They all made a difference in their day. WHY? Because they committed their lives without reservation to God, dared to believe, took God at His Word, and trusted Him fully. They were receptive to the Holy Spirit and responded to all He wanted to do in and through them.
Let me ask you: "Is your life impacting others for Christ by the way you live, the things you say, and the commitment you have made?" Are you a candidate for all God wants to do in you? PUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE!
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://www.litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-02-02
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