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January 9, 2025

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With God Nothing Is Impossible

"Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered....For with God nothing shall be impossible." Luke 1:34, 37

Do you really believe God can or, even more, WILL do the impossible in your life? The depth of your devotion and commitment to God, the reality of your personal relationship with the Lord, the application of the simple yet profound truths in His Word, will be in direct proportion to whether we believe what God says and act upon it. Many simply give an intellectual assent to what God has revealed in His Word and discount the "supernatural nature of God."

When Mary was approached by the angel and told that she would bear the Son of God, what was her reaction? Yes, she was startled, and probably dumbfounded that such a thing was even possible. But when the angel told her how it would happen, there was an immediate, unhesitating, full and complete faith that God was going to do the "impossible." Why do we find it so difficult to trust God to do things that are beyond ourselves? I think it's because we limit our thinking and vision to the self-imposed walls of our understanding. We are finite; God is infinite. Our abilities and gifts are confined to our limitations; God's ability and power are fathomless. But everything changes when we allow God to enter the picture and give Him the authority and control of our lives.

Many times throughout the Scriptures we find two transforming words: BUT GOD! When we come across these two words, everything changes. All that is written after these two words supersedes everything that was said before. Read Ephesians 2:1-3, which describes our lost and ruined condition walking without God--"the children of wrath." Then we read "BUT GOD," and it reveals the mighty transformation that takes place when He becomes our Lord and Savior. But there's more!

When we believe, He wants to take His rightful place on the "throne of our life." When, with surrendered heart and will, we turn our lives over to His lordship and walk in childlike trust in His all sufficiency, we begin to see the wonders of His power!

Let me give you an example from my own life. I interrupted my senior year of high school and attended Wheaton College in 1943. God broke through, and a "mighty revival" took place on campus that has had worldwide results ever since. I made "my surrender" to His lordship, and my life was changed forever! He was preparing me for a tragedy 21 months ahead, to experience His presence and power in an awesome way. I was in the Army as a machine gunner with the 1st Division, fighting in the Hurtgen Forest in Germany. A terrifying artillery barrage by the Germans left me critically wounded. Both of my arms and one leg were almost blown off, BUT GOD gave me a "song in the night" as I lay on a stretcher across the hood of a jeep at midnight as it made its way to the first aid tent. I thought, "This is it; I'm going to die." I started singing, "Only trust Him, only trust Him, He will save you, He will save you now." God gave me perfect peace. Our limitations are occasions for us to experience His fathomless sufficiency to meet us at the point of our need. "For with God NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE." Our responsibility is obedience; the results are His! DARE TO TRUST!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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