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January 19, 2025

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Let Us Come Boldly

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

We often wonder why God permits the trials and adversities of life. We become frustrated, impatient, and weary sometimes when we encounter these experiences. But in yielding to His control when they befall us, they become determining factors to develop in us a depth and measure of His grace, love, and mercy we have not known before. For it is in the trial, in the adversity, in our difficulty, and in the darkness of these hours, that the light of His presence and power shines brightest.

Prayer becomes a most blessed encounter with God. It is a blessing that God has provided whereby we can come into His presence. If we would take time to think through this, it will absolutely confound us. To think, the Creator of all things, God Himself, has told us to "come boldly to the throne of grace" into His very presence, and to bare our hearts, our praise, our burdens, our hurts, and our needs before Him. That is inconceivable, beyond our understanding. Yet in His condescending love, this blessed privilege is ours!

If we could in some measure comprehend the magnitude of this privilege of grace, it would transform our lives and empower us to be the effective "channel of blessing" God wants us to be.

What happens when we come before His throne of grace? We enter into the sanctuary of God...the secret place of His tabernacle...the Holy of Holies...WHERE GOD IS! It is where we relinquish all the strongholds of "self," cast ourselves upon His mercy, and experience the "infusion of His grace." It is there we recognize our "nothingness" and lay hold of His mighty power. It is the place of "quiet repose" where we sense His holiness and find solace in His rest.

At the throne of grace we learn to lean unreservedly upon Him, to let Him be strength for our weakness, wisdom for our folly, love for our hatred, grace for our anger, freedom for our bondage, joy for our sorrow, and the anchor for our faith. It is where we pour out our hearts in praise and thanksgiving for our redemption. It is the hiding place where He meets us "as we are" in our need and desperation. It is where we hear Him say, "I will never leave you or forsake you...I am with you always."

At the throne of grace He reveals Himself anew and afresh to us as the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the God of All Comfort, the Source of our Strength, the Good Shepherd, and the One who is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or even imagine."

John Bunyan said, "In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart." His Throne of Grace is where we come with a "broken and contrite heart" that we may hear Him speak to us. Oh Lord, give us ears to hear, a receptive heart, and a spirit to respond to all that you want to say unto us, that we may be channels through which you can manifest your love and grace to all we encounter each day.

We will not progress in our spiritual life any farther than we progress in prayer. We will never stand taller than when we are on our knees before God in fervent prayer.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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