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July 6, 2025

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They Anointed David King

"All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, We are your own flesh and blood." 2 Samuel 5:1

The varied events that happened before David became king of Israel had a significant influence on his life. With each encounter, David could see the hand of God upon his life, seeking to lay a sure foundation, molding his character, deepening his faith, and establishing virtues that he would now exercise as God's anointed king of His chosen people. In God's providential care, nothing is insignificant in the life of a believer. God does not haphazardly lead us. David's struggles and heart-rending experiences were all in the plan and purpose of God.

God took David through trying times...that he might learn to trust Him with a singleness of heart...that he might realize that his strength was not within himself, but in the might of God's power...that he might learn the discipline of discipleship to be employed in all things that he would encounter as king. God wanted to teach and train David. He wanted to soften and sweeten him, to strengthen and steady him, to establish him firmly in the faith, so that he might show forth the excellencies of God before those over whom he would reign. This training had its beginning in the hills of Bethlehem, when he tended his father's sheep, and learned from God the virtues of a care, comfort, lead, protect, provide, and show compassion and love for his sheep.

When Saul was treating him so unjustly, even seeking to kill David in his palace, "David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him." How inclusive these words are. He was submissive to God and filled with grace when attacked by Saul. He waited patiently for years, until it was God's time for him to be elevated as king. He was neither rebellious nor resentful, nor did he seek to claim what he was anointed to be, but quietly took his place in obedience to God. He faithfully fulfilled his duties under ungodly, ruthless Saul, until God led him to his enthronement as King of Israel. What tremendous lessons we can learn from David's encounters.

IN GOD'S TIME..."Then came all the tribes of Israel to David unto Hebron, and spoke, saying, Behold, we are your bone and your flesh." This was a magnificent manifestation of the power of God. The Southern Kingdom tribes voluntarily offered themselves to David. Look what is written: "All these men of war that could keep rank came with a perfect heart to Hebron to make David king over all Israel, and all the rest of Israel were of one heart to make David king." This was one of the most magnificent spectacles in the history of Israel, when all Israel came together to be joined as one nation. But it didn't happen until GOD'S APPOINTED TIME! And what was David's reaction? Read Psalm 18, of his continuous "tides of praise," his words of compassion, devotion, commitment, faith, adoration, and thanksgiving...all to his great deliverer, JEHOVAH. The very first phrase is the keynote of David's heart: "I will love Thee, O Lord my strength." Long but sure was the spiritual journey of David under the hand of God. Oh, that we might find our place in humble submission to His hand on our life, molding us to be a vessel of honor, conforming us "to the image of His Son," as we abide under the shadow of His wings.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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