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September 22, 2025

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"And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming." Genesis 24:63

What's so significant about this phrase? Isaac had gone out into the serenity of the field to meditate, pray, and ponder over all that was taking place. Abraham, his father, had Eliezar, his chief servant, make a solemn vow that he would not take a wife for Isaac from among the daughters of the Canaanites. "Go to my country and my own relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac."

It is significant that the one chosen by Eliezar be the one of God's choosing. But how was he to know which one to choose? Eliezar prays and asks God to direct that "chosen one" to him, by having her volunteer to water his camels. Arriving at the well, he asks a young woman for a drink of water from her pitcher. She responds and then draws water for all of his camels. He knew this was God's choice--Rebekah--the beautiful young woman who was humble and industrious, having all the qualities of a good disposition.

Eliezar bowed his head and worshiped God and said, "I being in the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master's brethren." This verse indicates several sterling qualities of Eliezar. He was "in the way" of obedience, faith, commitment, prayer, willingness, sensitive to God's leading, responsive, and "in the way" of compassion. Eliezar's heart was "focused on God," and God used him to find HIS choice to be Isaac's bride. How imperative it is for us to be found "in the way" as Eliezar was, so we too may be used and lead by the Lord, in the way of His choosing and blessing. Eliezar sought God in prayer, moved forward in faith, and reaped the anointing of God in his mission.

Isaac seeks the solitude and silence in the fields as he waits in faith. In prayer and meditation he prepares his heart for all that God had for him and was to do through him. This should adorn our lives. God said, "Be still and know that I am God." It is in these times of stillness the Holy Spirit can "invade" our lives, "penetrate" the deep resources of our being, and draw us close to the heart of God. It is in such times we can enter by faith into the "Holy of Holies"...WHERE GOD IS. What an inconceivable privilege and blessing is ours, to come into HIS very presence and bare our hearts in thanksgiving and praise, adoration, and worship!

Then, Isaac lifts his eyes and exclaims..."BEHOLD, THE CAMELS ARE COMING!" He sees in the distance the dust as the camels trek toward him. He rises in excited expectation. Can you imagine such a scene? This was a union "born in heaven by God." Rebekah behaved herself very becomingly, when she met Isaac, understanding who he was. She "alighted off her camel...and took a veil, and covered herself," in token of humility, modesty, and subjection. "Isaac brought her into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he married Rebekah." What a beautiful account of the gracious leading of God throughout.

Did you notice how each one was subject to God's leading? No discussion or debating...simply daring to trust God in every circumstance. God manifested HIS plan and purpose. O, that we might be found "in the way" obedience, commitment, faith, and prayer with hearts prepared...for HIS providential leading!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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