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November 11, 2025

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"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by your name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior." Isaiah 43:1-3

Can there be any greater comfort or encouragement than to revel in the reality of this verse in which God says, "I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by your name...YOU ARE MINE!" Born by God, redeemed by God, summoned by God, claimed by are Mine! That should cause our hearts to overflow with continual praise and thanksgiving as we bow in awe before HIM. Has this blessed truth ever penetrated your heart? It will radically change your life from a passive spiritual existence to a triumphant life in Christ!

Look at the life of Joseph. Chosen of God for a specific ministry that would carry him through 13 years of hatred, jealousy, scorn, and bitterness by his brothers...sold as a slave...falsely accused by his master's wife...unjustly imprisoned...forgotten by his fellow prisoner...BUT REMEMBERED BY GOD! God's hand was upon him through all of those unjust and devastating circumstances. "YOU ARE MINE."

You might say, "How did Joseph survive such severe encounters and contrived treatment that almost cost him his life?" First, Joseph had implicit trust in God. Secondly, he committed his life in obedience to God. Third, He dared to believe in the faithfulness of God. Fourth, He had unwavering faith in the covenant God had made with him.

At God's appointed time Joseph's hands, torn in toil as a slave, NOW are adorned with the king's ring. His feet, once bound in iron fetters, NOW freely walk the halls of the king's palace. The binding cords of prison, NOW are replaced with a gold chain around his neck. His coat of many colors NOW has been replaced with the robes of royalty. He who was treated as the off-scouring of the Egyptians, NOW rides in the royal chariot behind the king. He who was the prisoner in the king's dungeon, NOW is the prime minster of Egypt. He who was sold as a slave, NOW is second in authority to the king of the greatest nation in the world! WHY? Because God was with him and God's hand was upon him. God said...YOU ARE MINE!

We, too, have a covenant with God that is even greater than that of Joseph. God has redeemed you, summoned you by name, and says to you...YOU ARE MINE! How glorious! "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these we may be partakers of the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4). We have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to encourage, strengthen, teach, and reveal His Word and will to us. We have the assurance of His presence and power. We have the blessed hope of His coming again to receive us to Himself. And through all of life's adversities, trials, and devastating encounters He has promised to be our sufficiency. Paul said, "In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us" (Romans 8:37). I cannot conceive the magnitude of such a glorious covenant He has with us. WHY? Because God said..."YOU ARE MINE!"

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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