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October 2, 2025

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"And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison...But the LORD was with Joseph...and that which he did, the LORD made it to prosper." Genesis 39:20-23

The striking words of Madame Guyon are so relevant for the Christian who abandons himself in unwavering trust in the faithfulness and might of God. She said, "I have learnt to love the darkness of sorrow; there you can see the brightness of His face."

It is not uncommon for the Christian to encounter the abusive and treacherous ways of man, and suffer unjustly because of their greed, jealousy, or pride. Today, on many mission fields and in foreign countries, Christians are being persecuted, imprisoned, and even slain for their steadfast faith in Christ. Evil men and misled religious faiths are aggressively attacking the truth and those who adhere to it faithfully. To the believer, this is the arm of Satan ever seeking to counter the inevitable...the victory Christ has procured for us on Calvary through His atonement.

God intervenes time and again for His own. God was preparing Joseph for the specific ministry HE had for him. Even the evil rejection and jealousy by his brothers, with the intent to slay him, could not stay God's hand. They sold him as a slave to the passing Ishmaelites, who in turn sold him to Potiphar. Then he was falsely accused of adultery by Potiphar's wife, and unjustly cast into prison in Egypt. But this was all in the plan of God. God's providential ways often lead us through unusual circumstances, but always to the victory He has already purchased for us and will provide to us.

Through thirteen years of "darkness," Joseph's faith never wavered. The extenuating circumstances were never a divisive influence to Joseph. He knew that through it all, God would be true to His covenant with him, and in His time raise him up according to His plan and purpose. In prison and through these dreadful encounters, "Jehovah was with Joseph!" In prison he gained favor with the guards who dared to trust him. Whatever he did, "Jehovah made it to prosper." Finally, God's time was at hand, and Joseph was elevated as the Prime Minister of the greatest country in the world at that time. Honored by the king, acclaimed by the people, and a "savior" to the starving people of Egypt and surrounding countries.

There is a simplicity and calmness about God in working out His plans. There is a divine resourcefulness in His power that is more than equal to any difficulty we may face. There is an infinite compassion, care, and concern in God that reaches down to the extent of our every need. There is a covenant with His own to which HE is irrevocably committed. There are resources of His grace given to every believer that he may be more than a conqueror through Him that loved him. THIS, and infinitely more, God has made available to every believer! In every encounter, Jehovah will be with us! The "darkness" of our hour is but the opportunity for the manifesting of His providential power.

Our responsibility is to be faithful, obedient, and steadfast, with unwavering trust. "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." Whenever we cannot see His hand...we can trust His heart. Behind every dark threatening encounter is the imposing splendor and faithful hand of Almighty God. HIS ways may be unsearchable...but HIS grace is unfailing!

Those who joyfully leave everything in God's hand...will eventually see God's hand in everything.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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