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June 6, 2025

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Serve Him with a Perfect Heart

"Serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever." 1 Chronicles 28:9

David's foremost charge to the builders of the temple was, "Now set your heart and soul to seek the Lord your God." Then he added, "Serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind." He realized that if this temple was going to be all God wanted it to be, these workers needed to be consecrated unto the Lord with a perfect heart [a heart singled out to Him] and a willing mind [ready to respond to any task required of them]. A thorough preparation of heart, soul, and body was essential for God's use.

Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Notice the atmosphere in which the temple was built. The stillness that preceded it is indicative of the still and silent manner in which God carries on all His works, in the world, in the church, in the souls of men, drawing them unto Himself. It is not in the wind, the earthquake, or the fire that God manifests Himself to them, but in the still small voice. So God seeks to speak with us, the "living stones" that make up His church today. Notice, there was not "one stone" that did not fit exactly in its place! God has designed a place for you in the body of believers, but are you made ready for placement in His designed plan?

When David challenged Solomon to know the God of his father, he wanted Solomon to reminisce, to recall the many ways God had interceded for him. It is as though he said: Know the SOVEREIGN GOD who chose me to be the king of Israel when I was but a shepherd boy in the hills of Jerusalem. Know the ALMIGHTY GOD who has preserved me to this present hour, from the pursuit of Saul and the many other enemies who sought my life. Know the MERCIFUL GOD who forgave me of my "fearful fall," my sin, and great transgression against Uriah. Know the FAITHFUL GOD who has fulfilled all His promises in raising me up to sit on the throne of His chosen people and to prepare for the building of the temple. KNOW THIS GOD. Study His character, seek His way, submit your heart to Him that He may cleanse it and make it perfect with a willing mind. Recognize that God searches all hearts and understands all of your thoughts. He will not forsake you, if you seek Him. To serve Him, there must be a continual searching of our hearts. There must be no lust that we desire to retain, no sacrifice that we are unwilling to make. The "will of God," without exception, is how we are to conform. Our labors must be undergirded with fervent love. We must have a freedom of spirit, and delight to do His will. "For the Lord hath chosen thee to build a house for the sanctuary. Be strong and do it." Such is God's challenge to us today! To live for Him, to serve Him, or to minister in some capacity, demands a life consecrated to Him. With a committed trust, we pursue in faith.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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