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July 1, 2025

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Being Sure and Certain of Things We Cannot See

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

The world cannot understand "true believers" or conceive of the life of devotion and commitment to God that characterize their walk. Paul made this very clear when he wrote, "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." We have been given a privileged position, a glorious heritage, a blessed hope, and a supernatural faith to be activated, so that we may live a vibrant, fruitful life for the glory of God. With all of this, God has given us a free will to accept or reject His abounding grace. Liberating faith breaks through the strongholds of self and sin.

Spiritual faith is implanted into our hearts by God, and is activated by a committed confidence in God through a surrendered will. Our confidence is not in the power of faith but in the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the origin, the source, and the resting place for all our faith. It is the character of God that gives faith validity and to us this confidence. It takes us into another realm, which is beyond ourselves and is infinitely beyond the reason of man. Those who have been reconciled to God can only understand spiritual truth and principles. When one receives Christ as Savior, the Spirit of God comes and dwells within him. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us understanding of the things of God.

Man seeks to reason by his own finite mind. He looks at facts and evidence, and deals with what he can perceive and understand. The man of faith enters into a confidence with God, an assurance and boldness that believes God's infallible Word, and takes God at His Word. Faith ignores reason, as man sees it, and rises above it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if people, who watch the way we live and the things we do, would say of us as they did Jesus, "They wondered at Him, and they marveled." Faith forges ahead full steam, while reason follows wide-eyed and amazed. This is the way it should be. Our lives should be a miracle of His grace, with people in utter wonder and amazement. The commitment and devotion of our lives before them cannot be explained by human reasoning. They must admit that this is of God, the result of unwavering, confident faith in an Almighty God.

When Peter and John stood before the rulers in Jerusalem, they asked how the impotent man was healed. Perceiving that Peter and John were "unlearned and ignorant men," the rulers marveled. They couldn't understand the boldness, confidence, and power with which they spoke. Beholding the man that was healed, evidence of the power of God, they could say nothing. Would to God that we had such a holy life reflecting His love and the might of His power. Some people say, "What great faith. I wish I had that kind of faith." It is not "our great faith" that gets the job done. It is SIMPLE CHILDLIKE FAITH IN OUR ALMIGHTY GOD! True faith places its confidence in the holy character of God. He never changes; he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. This is the confidence we have in Him! "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think."

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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