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May 13, 2025

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Be Ye Holy

"But as he which called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:15-16

It's amazing how the world's standards change over a period of time. Our moral standards erode with the attitudes and pressure forced upon us by man, who has no regard for what is right or wrong, but is governed by pride, greed, power, position, influence, and money. Today we are constantly being challenged by the liberal influences to radically change our values in morals, family, priorities, pleasure, and most every phase of life, as we know it. Many commonly accepted national, community, and family standards are changing or being disregarded. It seems the question is no longer, "Is it right?" but "Is it legal?" or "Can I do it without getting caught or placing myself in jeopardy?" All of this breaks down to one question: What is our point of reference? In other words, what is the basis for determining right or wrong?

Do we as individuals determine what is right or wrong? We hear people say, "What may be right or wrong for you may not be true for me." Does right or wrong depend upon people or circumstances, our background or our culture? Basically, what is challenging us in these issues comes from man's rejection of God and His Word, and results from bending the "standards" to conform to a liberal, excessive, immoral lifestyle. The basis of this thinking is, "There are no moral absolutes. There are no right or wrong standards that should govern our lives." We see this on every hand today, which is basically why we are seeing such a horrible breakdown in every moral issue in individuals, families, and our nation.

Look at the warning given in Isaiah 5:20: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." Let me ask you, do you see any of this happening today? Yes, everywhere! So, what is the challenge to every Christian who holds the Scriptures sacred and seeks to make God's Word the standard by which they live? It is to establish in our lives the stable, unwavering foundation upon which all truth stands. His truth should govern and rule our lives, regardless of people or circumstances. HIS TRUTH NEVER CHANGES. IT IS THE SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER! Our faith either stands or falls from the foundation upon which we have placed it.

Moral behavior is not relative, situational, or confined to a period of time in human history. People may reject God's moral standards, but that does not change them! The world today refuses to accept the fact that GOD is the ONE who has a binding authority on their lives! People think it is ridiculous that God's Word contains absolute standards for human behavior. But the day is coming when those who reject and refuse the truth will suffer inevitable consequences. Why is man so obstinate and self-possessed? Satan has blinded his eyes to the truth. He is determined not to yield the control of his life unto God. Paul says of these people, "Thinking themselves to be wise, they have become fools." "There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Joshua said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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