"I'd like to share Christ, but I just don't know how!"
When God gives you an opportunity, just smile, pull out a copy of If We Never Meet Again or What If No One Warned You? and say, "Here's something I think you'll enjoy reading!"
November 22, 2025
- By Ed Powell
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"Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted."
Psalm 89:15-16
Can there be any greater blessing than knowing in reality the blessed truth of the gospel and having it applicable in every phase of our life? Is there any greater joy than exercising childlike faith in the revelation that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" to be our sin bearer and reconcile us to God? That by exercised faith we can experience the blessed fellowship of walking with God with "joy unspeakable and full of glory." Jesus said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full" (John 15:11). Nehemiah speaking to Israel said, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). It is the joy of those who have been forgiven, set free, and are basking in the unspeakable joy that comes only from God.
This joyful sound to which we are committed gives us a sweet sense of His love. We therefore "walk in the light of His countenance." We have a relationship with God as our Father to whom we cry "Abba Father." We have been adopted into the family of God and are heirs of His grace and love. We are now "in Christ" and have access to the infinite resources of His abounding riches.
As we "walk in the countenance of His light," He gives us a habitual confidence in His care. David knew first-hand the conscious reality of His presence and power exercised on his behalf. Time and again, encompassed by his enemies and the power of evil, he found his source of strength and sufficiency as he took refuge in God. Read his psalm of thanksgiving for God's powerful deliverance and manifold blessings: "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, and my Savior" (2 Samuel 22:2-3). In perfect confidence and peace we come humbly before Him and bare our hearts to Him as our Father. With assurance of His compassion and love we cast all [our] anxiety on Him because he cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). What a blessed relationship!
We can spread before Him our every want, commit to Him our every desire, and know that as we draw near to Him He will draw near to us (James 4:8). He has not only revealed to us Jesus as our Savior, but has provided also the righteousness of Christ to us, wherein we may stand before God without spot or blemish. In His righteousness we are exalted. Through His righteousness we have complete access to the Father. God views us as one with Christ, partakers of His divine nature and joint heirs of His glory. How blessed it is, what a privilege it is, what a responsibility we have to "walk in the light of His countenance!"
Let us respond in gratitude to God by a "walk worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way" (Colossians 1:10). May the "life of Christ" live through us being empowered in the inner man by the Holy Spirit. May our walk be consistently surrendered to His will, led by His spirit and "our conversation be such as becomes the gospel of Christ." It is then the world will be impacted by His Spirit, not ours, His love, not ours, and the might of His power, not ours. The deeper our commitment to His will, plan and purpose, the more will be our rejoicing as we "walk in the light of His countenance." He exalts us in His righteousness for His glory. "They shall walk...in the light of thy countenance. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day...For thou art the glory of their strength" (Psalm 89:15-17).
© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.
This page was reprinted by permission from: http://www.litmin.org/dare.php?date=2025-11-22
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