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January 6, 2025

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Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1

The measure in which Christ has liberty to live in our lives has a direct relationship to how we will experience His peace, joy, blessing, and power in our lives. Paul says because of the tender mercies of God in redeeming you, the most reasonable thing you can do is present your bodies as a living sacrificial offering, displaying to others a holy life acceptable to God.

This can only happen when we recognize our nothingness in the light of His All Sufficiency. He becomes the complement of our need, our source of strength for every task, and the authority of our life. When we surrender our will to His sovereignty a radical change begins, and a transforming process proceeds under the control of the Holy Spirit.

When we have tasted the goodness of God our guilt is replaced by abundant grace. Sin's vigorous pull is mortified by the Spirit's power; the circle of self gives way to the presence of God; pride is turned into love, and a blessed exchange takes place as the "self-life" is replaced by the "Christ-life." We are transformed by HIS POWER and made new creations in Christ to be "conformed into the image of His Son."

This is not a one-time experience that we immediately enter into a life free from the influences of our old nature. When we grow in grace, our spiritual journey will be one of becoming like Him. The difficulties in our lives are His way of trying to chisel out the old habits and attitudes that are detrimental to a life pleasing to Him. Our old nature seeks to influence us to our interests, our will, and our way. It is imperative that we daily submit to His authority and control, live under His lordship, and make Him the sovereign of our life.

We will begin to walk in a new relationship where we experience His presence and power as never before. We will enter into a blessed companionship, an exciting adventure, as we "dare to trust" and exercise childlike faith in the faithfulness of our Mighty God. Prayer will be a precious encounter into the secret place of His tabernacle. We will see Him going before, preparing the way, and manifesting His power in ways beyond our capacity. Our spiritual journey becomes a life lived in the reality of His presence!

Are you a candidate for such a life? Paul says that to present your body as a "living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God" is the most reasonable thing you can do. I challenge you to take this step of faith and commitment and let Him do "exceeding abundantly above all you can ask or even think, through the power that works in you." YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME!

There are no circumstances beyond God's power. There is nothing so trivial that it is beyond His fathomless love! God is interested in every aspect of our life. He came not only to give us life, but that we might have it to the fullest! To hold onto our selfish life is to miss out on all God wants to do in our life. Someone wisely said, "Unless He is the Lord of all, He is not Lord at all." Give Him your all today!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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