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May 1, 2024

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Shammah Stood in the Midst

"And after him was Shammah...he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the LORD wrought a great victory." 2 Samuel 23:11-12

It is challenging to see believers whose faith is steadfast and whose walk is consistently faithful. Sometimes reserved in their personality, their unwavering commitment to the Lord leaves an indelible impression on everyone they meet. They are a quiet witness of His presence and power.

I had an experience like this many years ago. I met a dear lady who was well up in years. She had lost her husband, who had been in the ministry, and she lived in a little cottage that couldn't have been more than 20 by 20 feet in size. Everyone who knew this precious lady affectionately called her "Aunt Peggy." She had suffered a stroke that left her body bent and distorted and her face drawn. I went to see her, and we read the Word and talked about God's love and grace, His faithfulness in all of our conflicts in life. We prayed and rejoiced together in the love of God. From the very beginning, the radiance of God's presence was ablaze and glowing in her face. Her twisted body and drawn face were lost in the glory of God that transformed her into an angel of heaven. What a blessed experience to be in the presence of one whose life was filled to overflowing and utterly consumed with the Lord of her life. She was a tremendous challenge to me. Oh, to have such glowing radiance of God's love in our lives, like precious "Aunt Peggy."

David had this same dedication in his selected mighty men that formed his elite warriors. Their exploits were great, their courage and bravery were without question. Among these mighty men were some who did not relish the fanfare most enjoy, but were unquestionably devoted to David and quietly committed to their mission. Such a man was Shammah, one of David's mighty men. He is only mentioned in these two verses with others who received special praise from David. There was Adino, who lifted up his sword and slew 800 men in one encounter. There was Eleazer, who fought until his hand was so bent to the sword, it would not open. Shammah was not a leader. In fact, many would not even notice him, but DAVID DID! "He stood in the center of a plot and defended it, and slew the Philistines, and the Lord wrought a great victory." Guarding a piece of ground and driving off the enemy is not as dramatic as slaying 800 men. But, it was a service to David the king and required no less courage and faithfulness. Shammah stood in a common place, but he was steadfast, courageous, and faithful to his King.

Oh, that we may be found radiant with the love of Christ and standing steadfast and true to our Lord in the power of His might. Man may not acclaim us, but we are seen by God and known by Him. Someone asked William Kelly, the well-known biblical scholar in England, if he didn't want to make a name for himself. To which he replied in his staid English wit, "In which world?" The bent of our heart determines the priorities in our life that reflect for what and for whom we are living. May we be found faithful to our responsibility and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We may stand in a common place...but we are seen by the KING!

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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