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June 13, 2024

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Naaman's Deliverance

"Then he went down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean." 2 Kings 5:14

How glorious it would have been to witness this great scene of deliverance by God. Imagine the excitement that erupted from Naaman's soldiers when they saw their mighty general healed. They shouted joyfully and their faces glowed as they saw what God had done in Naaman's life. After the blessed time of jubilation, I can see Naaman lifting up his hands and quieting his men as if to say, "I have something I would like to relate unto you." And he draws two conclusions.

First, "It is JEHOVAH, the God of Israel, who has healed me." Naaman recognizes the "source of his healing," the power of God manifested. This was a tremendous acknowledgment on Naaman's part. Remember, Israel and all it stood for, was the ancient enemy of Syria. Naaman was the prime minister and the commanding general of its army. Many times he had engaged battle with Israel. Bitter hatred and hostile feelings existed toward this archenemy. But now he surrenders to God's mercy and bows in contrition of heart and humility of spirit.

Second, HE SEES HIMSELF in the light of the infinite condescending love of God, a miserable sinner who had rebelled and resisted a holy God. Naaman was a self-made soldier who was the idol and hero of his nation but a rebel before a righteous and just God. He tells his men it is because of God's mercy and grace he was healed physically and spiritually. "Had it not been for the Lord, I would have had no hope!" I can well imagine this great man of valor saying in deep humility and contrition, "To every doubting skeptic, to every hesitating, self-righteous person, He is the true God; there is no other. Trust Him alone! Judge not His counsels by the opinions of men. Follow His counsels only and experience this glorious truth for yourself. Whatever He commands, perform it with all your heart. Submit your will to Him without dispute in humility. HE IS GOD!" Finally, Naaman wants everyone to know what God has done in his life. "JEHOVAH reigns supreme and is the Lord of my life. I have found the true and living God! I was a leper; now I'm healed. I was without God and without hope, but Jehovah healed me physically and redeemed me spiritually. I am a child of the King! I bow in humble contrition before Him. He is sovereign!" Imagine the tremendous effect this had upon his warring soldiers. Courageous and brave men who had fought for him in battle, who revered their mighty general, now see him brought to his knees before Almighty God. But they see him in a new dimension. They see Naaman bowing before the King of kings and worshiping Jehovah, who is deserving of all their acclaim, the true and sovereign God!

There is no better testimony for the Lord than a life that has been transformed by His mighty power. Such a one does not have to convince people by his words what has happened; his life is convincing proof of the change that has taken place. I wonder if our lives display--through our walk--evidence of God's grace that WE HAVE MET GOD.

© 2007 by Ed Powell. Used by permission.

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